Good Work
I apologize for not posting every night. This week, has been a little hectic. I have had long rehearsals from Monday through tonight. I get out of work at 5 and then I have to drive up to Maryland by 730, which means I don't get time to eat or relax before I have to head out, and by the time I am done I get home around midnight. Its a little rough because I don't have much to talk about because I am so tired and I need to get some sleep. Luckily I got out a little early tonight.
Tonight I just wanted to pose a question.
What is your passion?
Mine is Theater. Acting and putting on plays and performing. I love collaborating with fellow actors and directors, and creating something so profound that it will move people, change the way they think, or make them laugh and forget their troubles. It is an incredible feeling. I have been addicted to performing since I was in 7th grade.
Whats your passion? I am dying to know what drives all of you.
I just wanted to post this up real fast so you can share it with everyone you know.
A while back I was involved in an Independant horror film called Ninjas Vs. Zombies. It is getting to the point when we are premiering the DVD’s and we have come up with a new trailer for the film. Here it is, (Caution May not be suitible for all ages)
Would everyone please take a look at it, tell me what you think, and if you think its cool, please post it up on your blogs? Here is a link to the website. It would mean the world to me if you could help me out on this, the more people that see this, the better it could be for us, and I would be eternally grateful for all of your support. It is a really fun movie and I hope you all like it. Please repost it!
My imaginary encounter!
Hello everyone!
Again I apologize for not posting last night. This week has made me incredibly forgetful and exhausted. Last night we recorded the podcast and it was such a great episode. I didn’t get home until 12:30 and I was planning on riding my bike into work this morning so I needed to get to sleep at a decent time. So posting was not my huge concern. I did get to ride my bike into work this morning so that is always a good thing.
So when I woke up this morning I had an email from The Lady telling me about this writing prompt. She said it was right up my ally. So I figured Id give it a shot.
Prompt: What was your favorite cartoon character as a child? Imagine you were able to meet your favorite cartoon character. How would you meet? Write a brief or extended dialogue between the two of you…Well here it goes.
My favorite Cartoon character as a child has always and will continue to be Daffy Duck. I love all of the Looney Tunes but by far Daffy has always been my favorite. I never actually owned any stuffed animals or any collectables when I was a kid. Just wasn’t a thing I did. The only things I have right now are all of the collectors edition DVD’s of all the Looney Tunes Shorts and a massive set of Glasses with the Characters on them.
Scene: Interior, My house.
I wake up in the late afternoon on a beautiful sunny Saturday to the sound of the doorbell ringing. At first I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but after the first ignored rings, the bell started into a symphony of the song Marry Go Round Broken Down. Finally I start to head out of bed to see who the menace is as the ringer only rings faster.
Cut it out already! Seriously! I’m on my way!
Getting out of bed and racing towards the door in my dark blue bathrobe, placing my hand on the door and swinging it open hard enough to knock it off its hinges.
Laughing Soul
Can I help you?
Good Afternoon sir!
To my surprise, there was a 3 foot black duck standing at my front door holding a briefcase with the word ACME stamped on the side and a smart brown fedora on top of his duckie head.
Daffy’s the name and retail’s my game. I was wondering if you would be interested in taking a look at these fine ACME products for your home. If its ACME, it’s a gasser! Put it there pal.
His arm outstretched, I reluctantly reached out to meet his feathery hand and before I knew it the duck Jumped up into my arms and gave me a big smooth on the lips. I was frozen solid as he hopped out of my harms and walked straight into my house and started to have a look around. I unfreeze and turn myself around.
Laughing Soul
Excuse me! Who do you think you are? You can’t just walk into peoples houses and look around. I would really appreciate it if…
I see sir that it looks like your kitchen could use some updating. Your dishwasher looks old. Look at these dishes, dirty and disgusting. (tut tut tut) What you need is the ACME handy dandy Dishwashermabob.
He sets down his little briefcase and opens it up and starts to root around the case. He starts to pull things out at random while crashing and clanking sounds emit from the case.
A Rubber Chicken, Anvil, Small Rocket, a pretty blue dress at which he looks up and me immediately puts on a sheepishly innocent grin and hides it behind his back.
AH HA! Here it is!
He pulls out a large machine way to big for the case he’s carrying it in, and sets in out on the floor. It’s red and bulky and looks nothing like a machine that could do anything. He starts to grab plates and glasses and show me how the machine works.
Here it is my good man. The Dishwashermabob. You place your dishes in here on this side, press this button here and Flippity floppity floop. They come out the other end. TA-DA!
The machine groans and moans and jumps and shivers and no dishes come out the other side. Daffy hits the machine over and over again with his hand. The machine starts smoking and shaking and then it explodes, covering my kitchen and face with black soot.
I run up to Daffy and grab him by the scruff of his neck and bring him eye to eye.
Laughing Soul
You’re some kind of wise guy eh? Ill make you pay for that.
Look over there, its Angelina Jolie!
Of course I look and he honks my nose and pulls my robe up over my head and then hops away whooping and hollering bouncing off the walls. He jumps out the door as I watch and jumps all over the neighborhood.
That would be the best thing ever. As much as I would have loved to have a deep heartfelt conversation with Daffy, I think I would be disappointed if he didn’t fool me and tease me. In actuality if this ever happened I would probably laugh the whole time.
I hope you enjoyed my little story.
SlainteZen for the Day
You will not be punished for your anger;
You will be punished by your anger.
Zen for the day
Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.
After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.
Trying it again..
I hope you have all had a wonderful day. Work was a little hectic today so I didnt get a chance to write up my zen for the day. I apologize.
Today I decided that I wanted to try and start running. With the Lady's success at her 10 mile race and how she kept up with it and how she keeps mentioning how much better she feels. I decided I was going to give it the ole college try.
A while ago I gave it a try with a running program called couch to 5k. It was a program that she was using for her first 5k. She did wonderful while I hurt my back half way through the second week I hurt my back and I could not do it anymore. Today I decided I was going to give it another shot, but this go around I plan to take my time and if I need to run at a different rate then I would do so and not move up in the program unless I was ready. Which I think is the best idea.
Now, I will never ever give up riding my bike. It is the best thrill in the world. But to tell you the truth, riding is hard to do when its cold and rainy outside. I dont have a problem if its raining and going for a bike ride. In fact being muddy is part of the best things about going out for a bike ride. but when your trecking down a hill at 15-20 miles an hour it starts to get cold. My idea for running is more of a fact that, I can come home, change and just go outside of my house and run around the neighborhood for 30 minutes. I'm trying to get to a point where I can run and just be more active and therefore in better shape. I will always be more of a rider than a runner. But running is really just another excuse to get out of the house and outside and to get into better shape. Eventually I will try to do a 5k. Just kind of a personal goal. Another personal goal is to try and find a race for MTB, but all of the ones I have tried to find are 100 miles and 50 of it is uphill. I dont get a chance to go out and ride that much. BUT... You never know.
Ill keep all of you up to date with my goings and how my running is going.
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their evening and has a wonderful day tomorrow.
Hello Everyone!
I am sorry that I didn't get a chance to post last night. By the time I got
home from rehearsal and doing my taxes it was 12:30am and the Internet was
out for some reason. So I figured I would just take some time and post what
I was going to post last night this morning.
So how was everyone's Easter? I hope it was a wonderful weekend? OR if you
don't celebrate Easter I hope you are enjoying your Passover, or if you
don't celebrate anything, I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
I had a wonderful weekend. The Lady and I went to Ohio to spend time with
her family and we got back on Sunday around 10 o'clock. I won my very first
Giveaway with is a lot of fun. I posted about it. I will put a link to my
post when I get the chance. But it was a wonderful trip.
Yesterday was a really busy day. When I walked into work, one of the
Attorney's came up and said we have around 300 sale cancellations we have to
go through. Which is great but it's a lot of work for us and its tedious and
time consuming. I am finally getting ready to start on them right now. But
after work I had to go to rehearsal. We were working through Act V last
night which is the very end of the play. I took this picture and thought Id
share it with you...
This is the play space! Neat huh? I've worked here before and it's a really
neat space.
For those of you who don't know about the different stages, there are a lot
to choose from.
You have the traditional most recognizable space called the proscenium. This
is the type of space you will see in really any theater where the audience
faces a stage and there is a separation between the audience and the
Another type of stage is called the Round. Its where there is a stage in the
middle of a room and there is audience on all sides. It changes the
performance and the feel of it when you will sometimes see a performers
back. In some cases it makes it feel less like a show than a piece of life
being performed.
The next is called a Thrust. A thrust, which is the performance space I am
working in now, is where there stage juts out into the audience and there
are audience members in front and on the sides of you. Depending on how it
is set up it can give you a lot of movement space to work with. The way the
stage I am working with now is there are a total of 60 chairs and they are
literally 1 foot away from the play space. So there are many times where I
will be right next to an audience member and they are right in the thick of
the whole performance. Moving out into the thrust will put you in the middle
of the audience and you can connect and have a different effect. Or you can
move back upstage and distance yourself. You have more depth with a thrust
than any other I feel.
My favorite spaces to work in are what's called a Black Box Theater. Black
Box Theater is really what it sounds like. It is a large Black Box where you
can put on performances. I love them because they are so diverse. You can
take a stage and do whatever you like. Any kind of stage configuration can
be put in them. Whether its Proscenium or Round or even if you just wanted
to have people dispersed throughout the set in strategic places. You can
have bare minimum set or you can have elaborate stages and designs. The
possibilities are endless. The main reason why I like them so much is
because of the intimacy they provide. Instead of having a large separation
between you and the audience, you can see all of their faces, watch all of
their reactions and feel their energy and feed off them a lot better, which
for me helps me perform.
Well. I better get going. Lots to do in so little time.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!
Zen for the Day
One day, a student asked Taiga, "What is the most difficult part of
Taiga answered, "The part of the paper where nothing is painted is the most
Zen for the Day
The best leaders of all, the people know not they exist.
They turn to each other and say, We did it ourselves.
I won my First Giveaway!
Hello everyone.
I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. I am up here in Ohio spending time with the Lady and her family for Easter. Having a great time! Relaxing, reading and just being here.
I got on here to check up on my blog and all when I had a wonderful comment from Mich.
I won my first GIVEAWAY!!
I never win anyting ever and I entered this wonderful giveaway last week and I won!! I am so excited!
I won an American Crew gift set! Shampoo, Wash and Cologne!
Thank you so much Mich for such a great giveaway!
Everyone Check out her blog!
I hope everyone has a wonderful day and rest of the weekend. I know I will.
Zen for the Day
Zen for the day
Smooth Words and fawning looks
Are seldom found with love.
Zen for the Day
Where will you go for it?
it's hilarious.
I'm at least 4x her size!
My fellow actors and director working hard figuring out blocking and
relationships. Another one of my favorite things about acting.
The process is one of my favorite things. Especially with people you
have worked with before because you already know how they work and
they have an idea of how you work. With multiple ideas and theories as
long as no one is negative and selfish you can collaborate and create
something amazing!.
Working with new people is great to because you getting know who they
are and what their process is and meanwhile you can absorb and learn
new things and feel inspired by fellow actors.
Zen for the Day
That is about all the philosophy of living that one needs.
I joined a giveaway!!
Check it out here!!
How Do I Handle my Anger?
How was your weekends? Well i hope it was wonderful!
Tonight I am sitting here trying to figure out what I am going to write about on tonights post. I cant figure it out for the life of me what to write. But then I remember a great site that has helped me get some ideas.
The question? How do I handle my Anger?
I think that will work for me. 60 seconds.....GO!
I usually don't get angry. I do everything in my power to not get angry. I realized a long time ago that being angry was useless and is nothing but a waste of time. When you are angry you cannot get anything fixed or solved just by being angry. So I usually try and step back from whatever situation and I smile. Anger is gone. I laugh. Anger is gone.
(ok 60 seconds are up)
But you know what? No one likes to be angry right? So why be angry? Being angry will ruin yours and everyone else's day. I know a lot of people will not understand this when I say it but, just don't be angry. It really is that simple. It feels better to be happy and to forgive than to be angry at anyone or at any situation. So just don't be angry. Dont get into the situation where you get that way and when you start to feel yourself get to that point of no return then step back and smile. Once you do it, you'll see that it is easy.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Zen for the Day
and know what we do not know,
is wisdom.
Tales from the Crypple- The Dope Chronicles
did so well you guys. She finished! I'm so proud of her I cannot tell
you how much. I wish I could have gone with her to see her finish!
Were both laying down her feet and legs are sore and my back being
My back is still hurting pretty bad. The only difference is that I
took percocet and I could care less how much it hurts. Yup! That's
right I usually hve a constant supply of percocet for situations like
this. Most of the time I don't really need it. But there are months
(lately) where I'll need one once a week or when j have flame ups like
this, I'll have to take 4 or so a day just to take the edge off.
What sucks now itls that I was going to tell you a few stories but my
Percatention span isn't very good. I can't remember any of the
stories. I'm usually not loopy when I take anything. My mind wanders a
little bit, Things are a little more funny and I definitely sleep
better but I can still hold conversations and things. I don't know
about writing though . So we'll see what this is like, and I apologize
if this doesn't make any sense.
Ok I can't keep my eyes open I'll talk to y'all later.
Tales from the Crypple.
I have a bad back. 26 years old and I have a bad back. I wish I could
say that it was hurt playing football, or an old army wound from Nam,
but I can't. God just deemed that I have the back of an 80 yo man
who's worked manual labor all his life.
I joined my first giveaway!
I just entered this really cool giveaway! Check it out.
Her name is Mich and she has a great blog. Shes having a giveaway for guys and girls so check it out at the following link!
My morning Yesterday!
I am sorry that I did not post last night. I went to record my Podcast and when I got home it was pretty late and I needed to take care of a few things. I hope you all didn’t mind. But oh boy to I have a story for you.
Yesterday at work, I was looking for some files around the office and when I came back to my desk I had a voicemail from my cell phone. I didn’t recognize the number but when I listened to it, it ended up being an old friend of mine.
“Hey, my mom sent me a text this morning and said there was a fire on your parents street. It was all over the news and I just wanted to make sure everything was alright. Give me a call I hope everything is ok.”
Hmm. That’s weird, well I would have been told if there was a fire I would have been called right away so I’m sure everything’s fine. I thought to myself.
But just to be sure I hopped online and I started to do some research on where the fire was, and what was going on. Here is the heading of the article I found.
“2 Killed in Herndon House Fire”
WOW. That is definitely more serious. As I kept reading it didn’t give any more specifics.
Hmm. Well if they were dead then I would have been called or found and told by now. Again with my inner monologue.
I read on and no more details were revealed. They just said the 12000 block of the street, which is still 30 houses, half of whom I know, the victims were around the age of 50-60 years old.
Ok Well the wouldn’t get in touch with me if they didn’t know who they were.
So at this point I am really starting to worry. So of course I start making phone calls. The First place I call is the house, kind of silly I know but it was my first instinct, and no one was going to be home in the first place. But when I called, the phone didn’t even go to a voicemail. It just rang and rang and rang. Which scared me of course cause now Im thinking, Holy crap the fire burned up the phone!
So I call my moms cell… Nothing.
My dads cell…Nothing
My next idea is to email my dad,
Subject: Hey!
Hey email me back right away
I tried to calm down and just not worry. I waited an hour before I got up and told my boss what was going on and that I needed to make a few phone calls. She said that it was fine and to go do what I needed to do. I finally got the number to my moms school and called the front desk right away.
“Did Mom Guy come into classes this morning?”
“ Yes, I do think shes here.”
“Did you see her, is she absolutely there?”
“Yes she’s here. I saw her are you her son?”
“Yes! Can I speak with her please?”
“Yes of course let me get her”
Holy crap, I never thought I would be so happy to hear her voice. She knew exactly why I was calling, and she heard how frantic I was. My mom and dad are fine, the fire was way down the street in a pipe stem. The house was next to one of my best friends house when I was a kid before he moved away. They had a daughter and son but the son was too old for me to know ( and in a different state) and the daughter was way too young. So I personally didn’t know these people. But bless their hearts for the ordeal that they must be going through.
You know it was a really frightening thing thinking my parents were gone. I didn’t know what to do with myself. When I got out of work yesterday I went to my parents house and saw them. I was so relived that I got to go home and hug them and see them, and talk to them. It just goes to show that anything could happen at any moment and it’s a terrifying thing and that you should be with those people you love while you can.
I hope you all have a wonderful day, and incredible weekend. Do any of you have anything special planned?
The Lady has a race to run on Sunday, so her mom is coming up to visit. I will get to see her Saturday night and Sunday for the race. So this should be a really fun, exciting weekend.
Zen for the Day
If you don't understand, things are just as they are.
Zen for the Day
I hope all has had a wonderul day. Tonight I am at one of my favorite
places in all the world.
This is a picture of my fellow cast inthe middle of a scene!
Zen for the day
When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.
I hope you all had a wonderful day.
Tonight I was doing one of my favorite tasks when I am involved in a show and that is Memorizing.
Ok I am 100% kidding. Memorizing is the most teidius things I have ever done in my life. But getting all the practice I could need through college and the shows I've been through, I thought I would share a Technique or two on ways to memorize.
1. Recorded Playback
This is a really quick and simple way to memorize lines or really anything. What you do, is you record ( lets say your memorizing lines for a play) on a tape recorder. And I mean all the lines. The key is to get all the lines on there clear and to say your lines a little quieter so that when you play back the recording, the more you memorize the lower you turn down the volume so all you hear is everyone elses lines and you can say yours! So from then on you can learn your lines in your car, walking your dog, really anywhere you go! Also you get to learn other peoples lines and you get to learn the play a little better by listening to evereything so much.
2.Repeat-Two x Two
This is the method that works best for me. What you do is you take your lines and memorize them two at a time. Drill it into your head until you can say it without stopping. Then move on to the next two lines. Repeat. Once you get those two lines down go back to the beginning and repeat all the lines youve learned so far without messing up multiple times. Repeat-Two x Two until you don't have any more lines to left to memorize. The process takes forever but it is definately worth it. I cannot begin to tell you the amount of lines I have memorized because of this handy technique and it works for pretty much anything.
These are a few of the technniques that some people use. Do you have any techniques that work for you to memorize things? Let me know about it.
Have a great day tomorrow everyone!
Zen for the Day
Desire things that you do not have, and suffering will follow.
Realize this and peace will be yours.
Suffering will disappear and contentment will reign.
The Haunting in Connecticut - Review
I hope everyone has had a wonderful Monday. I know its Monday its hard to have a good one.
But tonight I went with my Co-Host of my podcast to go see a movie. The movie we saw was
The Haunting in Connecticut
This movie I am still confused about. I walked into the theater expecting something amazing and a really good tale based on a true story, but I walked out of there feeling indifferent and slightly disappointed. I was slightly expecting the movie to be something like The Exorcism of Emily Rose, which I thought was a great film. It ended up just being weak to me. The story was alright, and sure it was scary and kept my hunkered down in my seat, so if that is what your looking for than it might just work for you. But even in my eyes the scary things that happened were just put in and were kind of lame.
Happy Monday everyone Have a great week!
Zen for the Day
Follow it.
Meditate on it.
Become it.
Then forget it.
Only then can you live it.
Zen for the Day
What you become through those experiences is all that is significant.
This is the true meaning of life.
Old radio Shows
I hope all has had a wonderful day and evening.
I thought tonight I would talk about one of my favorite things in the entire world...
Old Radio shows
I have been a been a fan of old radio shows for a very long time. Sadly enough I don't even really remember how I got into them. ( thinking... thinking... thinking) Oh Now I remember!
When I was a kid at Christmas time, after my family went to church we would drive around the neighborhoods and check out the Lights. My parents would turn on NPR ( national public radio) and they would always have on old recordings of A Christmas Carol. The Dramatic performances and then Comedy performances after that. I just remember being enthralled and captivated listening to them. Thinking they were fun and silly. They relaxed me and it just made the holiday so much better.
Years later we were at a Crackerbarrel in South Carolina, and you know how they have those general stores on the inside? Well I found an old tape of a collection of radio shows!! From that I was hooked. I listened to it all the time and I couldn't get enough. One of the things that got me hooked was the fact that I am such a Looney Tunes fan. Looney Tunes got most of their material from radio shows. Anytime you see Bugs Bunny hop on a phone ask for the Operator and then say the words, "Oh, is that you Mert? How's every little thing?" That comes from Fibber McGee and Molly.
As a matter of fact I am listening to one of my Favorite shows right now which I will mention here in a little bit.
But here I will go through my top five favorite Radio Shows to listen to.
The title pretty much describes what this show was. It was a show that kept you in suspense and on the edge of your seat. Some of my favorite stories come from this show.
This is such a great show. Its one of the earliest sit com shows around. I can guarantee you that if you listen to this show you will smile, and laugh and have a great time.
This is a Vaudvillian act that is timeless. These are the creators of the legendary bit " Who's on First" The absolute funniest thing Ive ever heard. These gentlemen are legends and they gave so much to radio and laughter. Another on of the shows that is hilariousl without having to shock you or gross ou out to get a laugh. Being silly is just enough.
Red Skelton
"Well, its not fair that everyone gets to laugh I want to laugh at the joke too"
This is a reminder of a time when comedy was innocent and pure. In all of his shows he never said anything cruel or rude at someone elses expense and not one curse word has come out. This was a man who lived to make people laugh. IF you ever get a chance check out some of his stuff. He showed me that it's alright to be silly sometimes.
Now this was the mother of them all. This is one of the greatest shows you will ever hear. This the show that everyone should know about. During this show people actually flung themselves out of windows into the streets thinking that this actually happend. As horrible as a thing that is, and hard to believe for this day and age, if you listen to it you will see exactly why this could happen. (This is what I am listening to right now) It's incredible.
If you'd like to possibly listen to a few episodes or are looking into purchacing some you can go to the following websites. All of which are great.
Also XM radio has its own Radio Classics channel which of course is always on at my house.
Goodnight, and have a beautiful day tomorrow.
Happy Friday!
Zen for the day
great things will happen. When you unify others, success is assured.
Work in harmony with the Way, and all things will flourish.
I had a pretty decent day.a
I hope everyone has had a great day. Mine was actually pretty cool! Today was like any other day at the office. Well, it was like a really busy day at the office really. Now this is the month that the Boss peoples do their yearly salary reviews. I have been with this firm for just over a year and I got a review this time around.
It was actually pretty nerve racking. It wasn't just me and the office manager, like it has been fore everyone else. It was me and the big guy himself. So that was definitely a little intimidating. But they did things a little different than most companies. They asked how I liked it there, how I felt my year has been spent, and What I felt like my weaknesses are and where I would like to improve myself in the time to come.
I am an honest person, so I told the truth about myself. I said it was rough time getting started, being trained incorrectly and making mistakes because of it. then having to relearn everything when I have already been there for 3 months. Some procedural things I was having difficulties with and a few dress code violations here and there, but mostly anything that was done wrong was fixed and was never done twice. It was a year of learning and improvement is what I said.
When it was their turn to talk they stated the same things and a few of their concerns with me, ( which I will keep to myself thank you very much) but one thing they mentioned is my writing. I have had an issue with writing all my life. I think when I was younger I was diagnosed LD in Writing, so writing just isnt one of my forte's. I explained my troubles with it and how I have issues writing letters and getting all of my thoughts and instructions down onto paper. In response the that the big boss man offered his help with this. He said " I am sure its a touchy subject with you, and I dont want to make you feel inadequite or anything, but if you would let me, I would be happy to work with you and help you make it so you can write things out better, or at least get comfy with yourself that you know what your talking about but just help out wording everying." Not an exact quote but its was a nice gesture that he was willing to take time out of his day and help me with an issue. I gladly excepted the offer.
They gave me tons of compliments. They said they love having me at the office, I make people laugh and always have a great energy around the office and have always gotten my work done, and people have even called in to say praises of me directly to them. So that was definately good to hear.
At the end of the review I walked out of the little room with a RAISE!!! I cant belive it!! I was so happy! It was a pretty decent sized raise too! Not enough to say Im rich, but definately enough to help pay the bills and maybe a new movie here and there, and definately I will be able to save WAY more.
On a different note I would like to address all my readers about my writing.
I am not a perfect writer. I know this. I dont plan to be one either, I dont think I know all the rules of grammar and I am sure most of you read my blog a few times and then walk away feeling confused having not understood a thing I said, or angry at my lack of punctuation and grammar. Well I am sorry but I am not perfect and I am not going to be. Everyone has their flaws and this one is mine. But half the reason why I started this whole thing was to help myself feel more comfortable about my writing. I own the fact that my posts are not as elequint or as well written as most of ya'lls blogs and thats fine with me, and I hope its fine with all of you too. (BTW all of your blogs inspire me to be a better writter, I want you all to know that as well) Hopefully Im not THAT bad off where you read it once or twice, get frustrated and then stop reading completely.
Thank you all SO much for reading and listening to me.
I hope everyone has had a wonderful Day, a great evening and an even better tomorrow!
Zen for the day
only going where the wind blows, but your virtue radiates in all directions,
touching everything
My weekend.
How was everyone's day? I hope it was better than mine. But I digress. I am sitting here with a cup of Snow Geisha tea and I would like to tell you all about the "wonderful" weekend I had with the Lady J for our 3 year anniversary.
J and I usually like to take a little getaway when we celebrate our anniversary. Our first anniversary was spent in a beautiful Suite I found at a resort. It was incredible, it was like our own luxury apartment for the night and we had fun just being with each other.
Our second anniversary was spent in Philadelphia. We stayed at a really nice B&B a block away from South St. which was basically where all the bars and restaurants and anything going on in Philly was going on there. The best part about that trip was that we spent saturday night getting obliterated tonight and not only could we BOTH get drunk ( we rarely get to do that) but we didnt have to Drive or get a cab because we could walk back to our B&B. But the last hours of our evening that night was spent drinking really great beer coctails and just talking about anything and everything. Our Philosphies our, thoughts of religion, our hopes, our dreams, our wants our desires, and we both connected ten times more that night. The downside of that night was that when we woke up the next morning we remembered having a huge conversation but we don't remember anything about the conversation! After the hangover wore off we had a really good laugh about it!
This time we went to a hotel and stayed in the little town of Easton Maryland.
TIP: Don't ever, ever go to Easton Maryland for anyreason unless you are forced to. J found this great little hotel in the middle of nowhere and the pictures of the hotel and the feel of everything sounded like it was going to be a little secluded town with shops, and activities and because it was right next to the bay, there would be great crabs and seafood. So it all sounded great. We arrived and its true, we walked into the hotel and here is what we saw....
Those two chairs above next to the fireplace is where J and I spent our first night drinking and talking. Great time.
It took a few minutes but we realized that it was a little funny and it really didnt matter cause all wed be doing in here was watch TV and sleep. ( not like we had much of an option at this point)
We went out for a few drinks friday night at a bar across the street. We got there, ordered our beer, and asked if we could set up a tab when one of the locals shouted, "Why do you wanna start a tab were closing soon"
It was 9:45. They were closing at 10!!! Oh holy crap, what did we get ourselves into. A bar that closed at 10. So we drank our beer, closed our "tab" and headed back to the hotel bar and lounge and proceeded to get a little drunk while the Lady and I sat next to the fire and talked. It was a great time, I cannot tell you how much I love just sitting here and talking with her. Its one of the reasons why I fell in love with her in the first place.
So after hours of talking we headed back up to the room where after an hour of sitting back and relaxing we realized that our room was incredibly hot. It was 90 degrees in there and for the life of me I could not shut off the heater. So we had to sleep and wake up in an incredibly hot room.
In the morning we woke up to grab our breakfast which was really nice. Fruit, Danish, and OJ and coffee. AFter breakfast we went back up where J finished sleeping and I got some great reading time in. ( I am really enjoying "The Terror" By Dan Simmons BTW)
At around noon we decided to get off our butts and we would go walk around the town and do some shopping, and grab some food as well. We started to walk around the town when we got really hungry and headed into this amazing pub called the Washington Street Pub. Their food was amazing. I would actually drive up the hour and a half just for the food over there.
After continuing to walk around the town we came back to the hotel to relax and after a few hours we decided that It was time to eat.
This was around 7 pm. Now here is a little tip, before you go on a trip, do a little research about resturants before you go, becuase then you will realize that anything good in the town you are visiting will be closed for the season and wont open for another month or so, OR because its such a small town is closing at 8pm. J and I went to 7 different resturants before we gave up and had an incredible meal at Applebees!
All in all I had it was the BEST worst trip I have ever taken and I know it was because I was with J. We had such a great time together and it just goes to show that no matter where we are and what were doing, as long as were together we will have a great time because thats exactly what happend.
Well its getting late and I am trying to head to the gym in the morning so I have got to get some sleep. Goodnight All
Zen For the day
When you see no difference between the sacred and the profane,
the saint or the sinner, that is the ultimate wisdom.
And The Winner Is....
First of all I would like to thank everyone for posting comments and for joining my blog and for posting up on your own blogs. This has been really fun and I know you all have been waiting to find out who the winner is!
I used the Truly random number generator To figure out the winner and the winner is....
Congratulations Arielle!
You are the winner of your very own
Best Buy Gift Card!!
Arielle I will email you soon to get the details so I can get you your Gift Card!
Goodnight All
Zen for the day.
seeing them for the first time. This is the Zen mind, always new,
always aware, always that of a beginner.
Zen for the day
find it. That which is yours will surely come to you.
Department Store Vs. Specialty Bike shop
I hope everyone has had a great day! I am actually feeling much much better. I plan on going into work tomorrow. So that should be fun.
And because I was feeling so much better I went to record my podcast tonight. My Partner in crime Herman was asking me what kind of bike he should get.
Now when I was looking for my bike the first thing I did was go to the first department store I could find, like Dicks, Wal Mart and check out the bikes there. Then I started looking at Specialty Bike shop like, Performance Bike or Spokes Etc are just a few that around the area. And I have Developed an opinion between the two.
If you are going to buy a bike then you should do it from a Specialty bike shop. Now if you are looking for a bike for your children then you don't have to get it from a shop, a department store bike is just fine, seeing how your child will grow up and get bigger and will eventually need a bigger bike. Department store bikes are disposable in my opinion. The last bike I had was a department store bike and I loved that thing. But I actually rode my bike for about a year before it wore out. I had more time so I rode my bike more than I usually would. And by the time that year was up the bike was destroyed. As much as I tried to take care of it, it was incredibly difficult to get parts and service for it and I ended up having to get a brand new bike and when I bought one I went to a specialty store.
It was incredible service and I got the bike and the advice that was right for me. Now granted you will spend a little more money which is to be expected at a place like that, but in the long run you get the best purchase and a sound investment. Not only do you get a great bike, The bike that you want, the bike that fits you, you get service! I have brought my bike into the same shop to get a tune up and my bike rides like new constantly. You cannot do that with department store bike. I have made a sound investment and my bike will be in great condition for years to come! With a department store bike, you have to get service by sending it back to the manufacturer and or order the parts directly from the manufacturer which is more expensive.
In the long run get your bike from a bike store not a department store. You will end up throwing the bike away after a year if you ride it on a semi regular basis. I have had my bike for over a year now and I have done things on that bike that I could never do with my old bike, and it runs great!
So if your looking for a new bike and plan to ride it on a semi regular basis, go to a bike shop that knows what they are doing. I promise you, you will walk away happy.
Have a great evening everyone. Dont forget to sign up for my giveaway! you have a little less than a day left to win!!
Zen for the Day
3 great years!
Day two of sitting at home sick. I actually don't feel much better but today I received an email from my boss stating that she was going to need something in writing from a doctor. Well aint that dandy? I wasn't planning on going to the doctor because I knew it was something they wouldn't be able to do anything for me. But I had to go to get a note and he said that I've got the Flu or something like that. But he also said he couldn't do anything for me. But he did suggest that I not go into work this week at all but he was going to leave it up to my discretion. Oh well. That was one piece of little news that was going on today.
More importantly Today is The Lady J's an I 3 year Anniversary. It's incredible how time flies when your having fun. Its really funny. Our first night out was actually on St. Patricks day 3 years ago. I remember waiting nervously at my old townhouse to go pick her up. I was seriously calling everyone I knew letting them know how nervous I was about meeting her. But boy let me tell you. It was a great night that has turned into a great 3 years.
J is one of the most purest people I have ever met. She's honest, she's kind, shes forgiving and she is full of joy. My favorite thing is when she gets the giggles. Her face lights up and her laugh is just infectious and its hard to not laugh with her.
Well at a risk of getting TOO sappy. ( sorry its already happend) I will leave it at that and just tell the whole blogging community that I love her very much. And I cannot wait to go on our anniversary getaway this weekend. Which I will most likely blog about while we are away.
Until morning...
Zen for the day
Sick and in the show.
I get to spend my St. Patrick's day sick as a dog. I feel awful. I feel like someone has taken all of my energy and just sucked it right out of me. Coughing and just an utter weakness. I missed work today and stayed home to relax. But I still ended up feeling like death warmed over. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. Chances are I will be heading into the office tomorrow but my body tells me I should do otherwise.
But still tonight I had a meeting with an old Director of mine, I worked with him on King Lear last year. He got in touch with me last week about meeting up with him to join his cast of Tartuffe up in Maryland. I told him that I would love to and I just got back from meeting with him. I am now officially in the cast of Tartuffe up in Maryland at Cedar Lane Stage. I will be playing Valere. It's not a huge role which is fine with me but it was a lot of fun getting back up with a script in my hand. I cannot wait to tell you guys about it. I have something else to write about hooray.
Well I need to get going. I feel horrible and Im going to go get some sleep. Dont forget to sign up for my giveaway!
I hope everyone enjoys a safe and wickedly drunk St. Patricks day. Drink a pint for me will ya?
Zen for the day
the river, flow with it.
100th Post Giveaway!
Hi everyone!
I hope all has had a wonderful day! I am actually sick at the moment. I was at work and felt really weak and dizzy and my eyes could not focus. They are still having a little trouble so please forgive me if there are typos and such! But hopefully this will make me feel a little better!
Here is the exciting news I've been telling you about!
Well this is it its my 100th post! I never thought I'd actually be able to write about stuff for a full 100 posts! So to celebrate I am having a giveaway!
Don't worry I'll feed you baby birds.
So to the giveaway!
For being such great readers I am giving away one of these 2 items! (The winner gets to choose which one they want!)
1. No matter what, leave a comment to THIS POST to be entered 1 time.( Leave me an email address so I can get in touch with you If you win, and your preferred choice of prize!)
2. Become a follower of my blog and you will be entered 3 times! ( don't worry All current followers will already be entered as long as you leave a comment)
3. Post about this giveaway in your blog and leave a link going back to THIS POST and you will be entered 5 times! If you do this (and I hope you do!), please tell me that you will in a comment or by emailing me (
4. If you do ALL the above, you will be entered 9 times (Comment + Follower + Post = 9)!
5. If you do not have a blog, please comment and supply me with an email address (email it to me or leave it in your comment!)
These rules were copied from WearingMascara. A wonderful blog by a beautiful lady. Everyone should check her out.
So those are the rules. Have fun, good luck and thank you everyone for reading!
Zen for the day
mentally give it all back. In this way, you become free. No one can
ever take anything from you, for nothing is yours.
Shamrock Fest
I hope everyone has had a great Friday and have wonderful plans for the weekend!
This weekend at JFK Stadium here in DC, is a spectacular event called Shamrock Fest! This is an awesome Irish festival that has been going on for a while. I got to go a couple of years ago and I got to see one of my Favorite bands Flogging Molly for the first time.
Here is a list of some of the other Great Bands playing at the festival
- Carbon Leaf
- Scythian
- Flatfoot 56
- The Gobshites
- And Tons more!!
Well I wish Everyone a beautiful weekend!
P.S.Its getting close to something special!!! So please stay tuned to this blog for something great!!
Zen for the day
let your actions reflect your speech, and your speech reflect your
4 things a guy should always keep in his pockets.
I hope everyone has had a wonderful day! I was riding in my car on the way home trying to think of something to write about today and this Idea crossed my mind.
(and the reasons why)
Other uses: Pretty much the obvious things you would do with a knife but in more emergency situations.
Other uses: Tourniquet, bandage, carrier. Rope( ripped up and tied together can make a rope.)
Zen for the day
above, so below. Practice random acts of grace. Give to others for no
reason, offer kindness to those who are undeserving, love those who no
one else loves. Practice grace
Happy Birthday Bro!
What is everyone up too? I hope everyone has had a wonderful day.
Today is a special day. Today is my brothers 30th birthday! Happy Birthday Brudder!
His wife decided that it would be a great idea to have a party at one of the greatest places on earth!
A lot of people I haven't seen in a long time. Brudder's friends made him an incredible cake and luckily I brought my camera so I could share it with you!
So I got to go around with tokens and play games and win tickets. It was such a good time. At the end of the night I think I had around 634 tickets and here is all that I got!
Happy 30th bro I hope you had a great night!
P.S. Apparently something special is coming up on my blog in the next few days! Stay tuned!
Zen for the day
thing can ever take that happiness from you.
Catching up.
Tonight is prolly going to be a pretty quick post. I am sending in
from my iPhone tonight because I am currently at the Ladys house. She
is up studying for a test she has and I came over and got a chance to
catch up on some reading.
Usually it's pretty busy and too many people around for me to actually
get home and read for extended periods of time. But since Lady J was
studying all night and she wanted me to come over, I'm taking advantage.
Right now I'm readig the last book of the King Raven trilogy called
Tuck, by Stephen R. Lawhead. It's an incredible read and the trilogy
itself is great put together. I am really getting a chance to sit back
and enjoy the story.
Not only that I'm catching up with some comics I've got. So all in all
it's a really great night! In all honesty if I had my druthers I'd
hibernate downstairs in my basement for a week and just read!
Are any of you reading anything special worth mentioning?
Sweet dreams and
Zen for the day
in all your brothers and sisters, then how can you bring harm to them?
Rocky Racoon!
Tonight I went home to visit my family for an hour or so. I got to see my puppy and hang out with my mom and dad for a few minutes which is always nice. I picked up some mail and just talked to them for a few minutes. The next thing I hear is my mom asking me to go upstairs to see if there was anything of mine she pulled out of the closets because she was giving most of it away to purple heart.
And guess what I found?
I hope you all enjoy!
Zen for the day
In this way, creation returns to it's natural state
Who's watching the Watchmen?
Last night, if you read my previous post, I went to go see the midnight showing of Watchmen. I went with a lot of my friends from the movie after recording an episode of the podcast. I apologize for now writing a review right away as soon as I got home but it was 3:30am when I got there and I had to be up and heading into work in 4 hours so I definitely needed to get some sleep. But I promised you I would do a review so here it is.
“ Who’s watching the Watchmen?” What can I say about this movie? This movie is based off of a graphic novel published by DC Comics and written by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons back in 1986. (Three years after I was born by the way). I just recently discovered this in the summer of last year when I was talking with a friend at work about a few comics I was getting into and he asked if I had read the Watchmen yet. He explained that it was a graphic novel that changed everything. It wasn’t just about superheroes doing good around the city and bringing criminals to justice. It was packed full of philosophy and theories on the human condition and life in general. This was a pivotal piece and they were turning it into a movie. So what could a guy do but go out pick it up and give it a shot.
I fell in love with it. The story kept me interested and I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that it wasn’t full of quirky characters and witty superheroesqe remarks. So to say in the least I became really excited when I found out that this was coming out in the following year.
The movie is dead on with the graphic novel (at least in my remembrance of it, it has been a while since I read it again). Aside from cutting some things out that were not 100% pertinent to the story line, you could match shot for shot with frame for frame in the novel. I remember certain blocks in the novel that made an impression on me and it had even more of an effect when I saw it up on the big screen. Even down to the last detail of signs on fences and graffiti on the walls. I was really impressed.
The cast of Characters is as follows: (side by side photos Included)
Dr. Manhattan- Billy Crudup
Silk Spectre- Malin Akerman
The Comedian- Jeffery Dean Morgan
Rorschach- Jackie Earle Haley
Night Owl- Patrick Wilson
Ozymandias- Matthew Goode
They could not have done a better job of casting. If you compare the movie faces to the drawings of Dave Gibbons, you will think that Gibbons illustrations were based off of these faces. I know that a lot of makeup was used to help out with the similarities but damn they did a bang up job of staying true to the Novel. Not only did they find faces that matched the characters but they definitely got the job done with the actors to portray them. Every one of them did an amazing performance and brought the watchmen to life. You could relate to them, and you felt like these people were real at one point or another.
Now I know that I keep referring back to the Graphic Novel. But that’s because its what I have to go off of. Do you need to read the Novel to see the movie? No. You will not miss a thing if you just go and see the movie. You will have a different appreciation for the film because of it but it is in no way a bad thing! I walked into the film knowing the story and the ending and what was going to happen when, and I was still in awe and amazed. I came away with an appreciation of it compared to the novel and it even helped me understand the story more. So seeing the movie after reading the novel only made each other better. But for the non reader you will get a full experience and see the whole thing as a whole! I do highly suggest you getting the novel as well just so you can understand this movie, THAT much more.
The Final Cut
I give this movie 5 out of 5 Damn it Megs! Why do I do this? Because this movie is amazing that’s why. This movie shows what superheroes in the real world might have to go through. Instead of some fantastical stories, where everyone gets their justice you get something more real. You see real people trying to do good by fighting crime and the troubles and tribulations of that fact, externally and externally. Don't worry you will definitely get your kicks with violence and even a little nudity. Its the fact that its not what the movie is centered on is another reason why this movie is so great! You will definately enjoy this. Go out and see it.
Zen for the day
also don't know. Therefore be quiet and let your actions speak for
you. They speak much louder than your words anyway
I just saw...
Gnight all. and have a great day
Zen for the day
yourself. Your environment is stronger than you are
I hope all has had a great day. Tonight, my roommate Petron asked me if I had any Tea that wasn't Fancy. Well all the tea that I have is pretty "fancy". Fancy tea translates loosely into Loose Leaf Tea.
I am a Tea Fanatic. It started when I was in college doing shows and I would have tea before every show to relax my throat and to soothe it when I started to lose my voice. In fact, I am usually drinking tea when I post. I started to really get into the whole tea scene a lot more than most people like coffee. Don't get me wrong, I have my 2-3 cups of joe in the morning and I can tell the difference between a good cup and a bad cup, but I am definitely more of a tea kind of guy.
I usually go to a place called Teavana, it's like a starbucks but not as snobby and filled with foamheaded yuppies. Everyone I have ever talked to has been really relaxed and just in love with tea. Not only can you buy tea there, they will brew you a cup to have right now. I have 7 Different kinds of tea that I keep stocked up in my house at all times. The only downside to this is that loose leaf tea is Effing Expensive!
Night Night is a great bedtime drink because it will just slow you down and help you relax. Its great and it is only 6 bucks for 2oz! Those 2oz will last you a good long time too. These are just two of my favorite teas that I have in my collection.
Why do I have loose leaf tea instead of teabags?
Well here is the thing, I have nothing against teabags at all! One of my Favorite teas comes in a teabag, It is a great way to have a fast cup of tea when you want it, plus its more portable than loose leaf. The downside is that teabags often have more than just tea in them, they contain a lot of dust and stuff from storage, and the leaves dont actually get a lot of room to steap in teabags. They also don't stay as fresh. Yes! Tea can go bad! Kept in a cool dry place teabags will last between 6-8 months. While loose leaf teas are more natural with no dust, steap better and will last from 1-2 years if properly contained.
Not only are there different teas, there are different types of teas themselves.
- White, White tea often contains buds and young tea leaves, which have been found to contain lower levels of caffeine than older leaves, suggesting that the caffene content of some white teas may be slightly lower than that of green teas.
- Green, is full of EGCG which is a powerful Anti-oxidant.
- BlackDrinking black tea helps prevent deadly clogging of arteries and reverses poor arterial functioning that can trigger heart attacks and strokes, among many other things
- Oolong is more known as a weight loss tea
- Herbal,
- Rooibos can strongly be recommended for people suffering from Irritability, headaches, disturebed sleeping patterns, insomnia, nervous tension, mild depressioin or hypertension, as it ontains no caffeine and has a soothing effect on the central nervous system. mild depression or hypertension, as it contains no caffeine and has a soothing effect on the central nervous system.
- Mate, This tea serves as a great appetite suppressant rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and wonderful diet tea. Reports suggest Mate will keep you going longer than just caffeine, without the crash associated with drinking coffee or soft drinks.
See? Tea is incredible isnt it? Each tea can do something different for your body, your mind and your well being. You can find a tea for just about anything that ails you and I can promise you most of it will work. There is nothing better than to do when your sick than to get some Herbal tea to help, and sit back and watch cartoons.
Do you have any favorite teas? Any suggestions?
Zen for the day
you chooses to believe differently. Have them courage to change those
beliefs that no longer fit the person you have become. In doing so,
you truly become yourself
I will have something really nice for you later on
Zen for the day
tranquil, walk in stillness, act in harmony. The serenity that
radiates from you will create peace.
I couldn't help myself
up. Holy crap, now I want a squirrel.
Snow day!! But not for me :(
How is everyone doing? I hope everyone is having a great start to the week
and for the people in the D.C. Metro Area, I hope that most of you are
getting to enjoy this snow day! Downside of working in a Law Firm is you
have to go by the county Government and ours never closes. I actually
remember back in the day when my dad had to go to work with 3 feet of snow
on the ground. Not even a two-hour delay. Now I am getting to know how that
feels. What's worse is that I am the only person in my department, and it is
the busiest out of all of the departments in the office. How am I writing
this if I'm so busy, you ask? I'm typing a sentence whenever I get the
chance, because no one is here to tell me that I can't! (HA I win) Being
an adult sucks. Why can't we all get snow days and go outside and build snow
forts and have neighborhood wide Snowball fights?!? How great would that be?
I can remember one time back in '96 when it was this massive blizzard here.
We were out of school for a week! A whole week! It was incredible. All of my
friends, whom I still see on a regular basis, gathered together in my
neighborhood and we walked around knocking on the neighborhood kids setting
up a Neighborhood war! We drew out maps of all the houses and paths and
wooded areas, got out walky talkies and played a huge game of Capture the
flag! Anyone who caught the flag got to capture the enemy base and use it
for himself or herself. It was Kiddie Risk is really what it was. But oh man
it was epic! For three days we got together and had strategies set up and,
we had urban warfare, jungle warfare and even no mans lands. Where you would
just get pelted with snowballs if you walked through! Ugh! Those were the
days! I wish we could all just have one great snow day! I tell you what, If
I didn't have to work today I would have stayed at home with a cup of hot
chocolate and read my new book. Then later I would have challenged my
roommates to a snowball fight! Either that or my roommate Shooter and I
would tool around on his ATV around the neighborhood. Oh well! Doesn't look
like it's going to happen today or anytime soon, seeing how the first day of
spring is technically the 20th of this month. This is prolly going to be the
last big snow of the season. But you never know.
Oh also, the boss walked around with her tally sheet to see who was here,
and when she came by my cube she saw me sitting there clapped her hands and
got really excited.
Boss: "You get extra points for coming in here today!"
Me: "I'd hope so."
Boss: " Yeah you definitely do! OOO and right around Salary review time,
Nice move!"
So I guess it is a good thing that I am here. She also said to make up for
everyone who showed up, It would be a pizza lunch today. I guess its not so
bad after all.
I hope everyone has a great day and if you have the day off, please enjoy
the snow a little for me!